Garden Herbs
Herbs for me are perfect things to add in where there is a pocket of space, or where they can benefit the plants that need it the most. Herbs are perfect to grow amongst your vegetables, as they help with pest control. Herbs can actually mask the sent of your plants to pests, confusing them of the tasty vegetables' location. Some herbs actually improve the growth and taste of other plants. Basil actually helps tomatoes grow, and blue borage makes strawberries sweeter. How cute is that? Blooming herbs are also beneficial in bringing pollinators to your garden. In the corner of my zucchini patch I have planted a creeping thyme plant that will bloom, and invite pollinators to the fruiting section of the garden, where pollination is most needed.
For the herbs I cook with, I really enjoy growing thyme. I am growing both creeping and lemon thyme, and enjoy cooking with both. When harvesting thyme, I usually trim the plants frequently to encourage continued growth, and store it in a paper towel-lined ziploc bag. I have had thyme keep for months this way in the fridge. Thyme is also a perennial, so I have dedicated small sections of the garden to it.
Italian flat leaf parsley and basil are definite favorites, though I usually use these both up when they are fresh verses finding a way to store them through the winter. They bring such fresh flavors to summer dishes, and really make the growing season worth waiting for.